Our services uplift the soul.
In joyous tones and with empowering prayers, our Holy Eucharist maintains over 2,000 years of tradition.
The Liberal Catholic Church has specific teachings allowing its members to understand their spiritual journeys as they relate to mystical and esoteric Christianity.
All are welcome.
We share our worship and teachings with everyone.
Members may choose to believe where their experience and deep understandings guide them.
The Liberal Catholic Church is one of thirty or more Catholic Churches in the world that are independent of Rome, such as the Greek Orthodox, Coptic, Old Catholic, and so on. It teaches the Christianity of Christ and administers the seven Sacraments, which are regarded as channels of His blessing. In The Liberal Catholic Church, there is intellectual and religious freedom as well as a natural balance between ceremonial worship, devotional aspiration, scientific ideologies, and mystical thought. While unchanged in form for centuries, the Liturgy is in the language of the people and devised to sound a note of joyous and uplifting aspiration.
The Liberal Catholic Church welcomes all and everyone to its services: those who have faith and those who have lost faith; those who believe in the literal exposition of the scriptures and those who accept the allegorical spiritual interpretation. Above all, The Liberal Catholic Church serves those who are earnestly seeking spiritual enlightenment.
The Liberal Catholic Church has no barriers around its altars. All who come in a spirit of reverence are welcome to Holy Communion and to all other services of the Church. What opinions or beliefs people hold is considered to be their own undertaking. The mind that is free is in the best condition to grow. Growth into spirituality enhances the perception of truth that each of us must discover for ourselves and in our own way. Anything less than full mental freedom is thought to slow down progress. Thus, the difference between The Liberal Catholic Church and all other Catholic and Protestant churches is that The Liberal Catholic Church offers ancient sacramental worship with the widest measure of intellectual freedom and respect for the individual conscience. This is why we are titled The Liberal Catholic Church, not just called liberal Catholics. Our word liberal means having intellectual freedom.
The orders of the clergy of The Liberal Catholic Church are derived through the Old Catholic Church of Holland, which became independent from Rome over three centuries ago. Through this Apostolic Succession, unbroken since the time of Christ, The Liberal Catholic Church aligns itself with the historic catholic church of past centuries. The clergy are neither forbidden nor encouraged to marry. They serve without personal payments of any kind. The clergy claim no authority over the individual conscience; rather, they function as ministers of the Divine Sacraments, ready to serve those who may ask or need their help.
Rt. Rev. Thomas Miller, Rt. Rev. Gaspar Torres, Rt. Rev. Lloyd Worley, and Most Rev. William Downey
The work that lies before us is to continue to ‘forward the work of Our Master, Christ in the World and to feed His flock...to serve as a vehicle for the eternal Christ,’ to serve Him in whose service is perfect freedom and to do it in such a manner that it is meaningful and relevant in the World today. In the words of the Collect for Advent Sunday, ‘that we may hasten the coming of Thy kingdom upon earth.’