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Triennial 2023 November 2-5 2023 
Our Lady & All AngelsOjai, CA, USA

Every three years, the Province joins together in person

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Office of the

Presiding Archbishop


The Liberal Catholic Church

The Most Rev. William S. H Downey

June 29 2023

The Liberal Catholic Church TheLCC Coat of Arms_edited.png

To: All Members and Friends of

The Liberal Catholic Church

Province of the United States of America


Greetings! On behalf of myself as Presiding Archbishop, the Corporate Board of the American Province, the Provincial Episcopal Synod, the Clerical Synod and the Order of Our Lady, it is my great pleasure to announce the convening of the Triennial Assembly of the Liberal Catholic Church.  According to the Constitution and By-laws of the Province we are required to meet in convention on a three year cycle to transact election of officers and publish reports by all parishes, and financial officers and various committees.


In addition to compliance with legal aspects, the Triennial Assembly has proven to be a wonderful opportunity to meet together in loving fellowship and experience a renewal of spiritual life and commitment.  Our last Assembly was held here in Ojai in 2018 and due to the pandemic we were not able to gather since then.  Therefore, it is of the greatest importance that we gather as a family now that travel and assembly affords us the opportunity.


The dates are November 2nd through November 5, 2023 at the Pro-Cathedral of Our Lady and All Angels Liberal Catholic Church, Ojai, California.  Further information regarding a schedule of events will be forthcoming.  There is no cost for registration two meals each day will be provided on Friday and Saturday and a catered luncheon on Sunday after the closing Eucharist. There will be services every day and scheduled speakers. All meetings will be open.


Please consult the Code of Canons and make sure a representative for each parish is elected from the membership and is the person authorized to vote in the Assembly.  Representatives should be elected from the laity rather than clergy.


With every blessing I look forward to meeting with you in November.

Bishop William Downey Signature_edited.jpg

Triennial Information


November 2-5 2023   



Our Lady & All Angels

Provincial Cathedral
1502 East Ojai Avenue 
Ojai, CA 93023


There is no registration fee for this Triennial.


Please arrange your transportation all the way to Ojai
Information for traveling to and from Ojai

  • Flights are available into Los Angeles, Burbank, or Santa Barbara

  • Car rentals are available at all airports

    • Alternatives to car rentals

      • From LAX, Ventura County Airporter provides a shuttle service to Ventura; also a pick-up in Ventura can be arranged.

      • From LAX, consider an Uber into Ojai

      • From Burbank, take a commuter train into Ventura, and a pick-up in Ventura can be arranged

      • Please ask about arranging to be picked up in Santa Barbara



Capri Hotel            1180 E Ojai Avenue (tell them you are with TheLCC Triennial)

Hummingbird Inn   1208 E. Ojai Avenue

Casa Ojai Inn         1302 E. Ojai Avenue

Ojai Rancho Inn     621 W. Ojai Avenue

Oakridge Inn          780 N Ventura Avenue, Oak View


Our Lady & All Angels
Provincial Cathedral
1502 East Ojai Avenue 
Ojai, CA 93023

For More Information . . .

Thank you. You will receive an email with more information soon.

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